Community is Growing During Monthly Ambles
More than three and a half years since WABI Burien started the Walk-n-Talks, it's heart-warming to see the growing community of folks that arrive on the first Sunday of each month. Some people are...
Gregory Heights South Hilltop Loop Walk-n-Talk
The weatherman has promised us a sunny weekend, so let's get out together for the March Walk-n-Talk! This month we'll walk around the southern hilltop area of Gregory Heights, to the point where we...
Tacoma Proclaims Year of the Bike
The Tacoma News Tribune announced the roll-out of Tacoma's Year of the Bike. Let's support our neighbors to the south by hopping on two wheels for fun and errands. Tacoma’s Year of the Bike starts...
WABI Weekday Walk in Normandy Park, Feb. 18
WABI Weekday Walkers return to Normandy Park for our monthly walk on the third Wednesday, February 18, 9 am. We will start from Nature Trails Park, walk up the hill to little-known Nist Park (which...
Stairway Walk in West Seattle on Sat., Feb 7
For the last two years, WABI-Burien has participated in Feet First's Annual Stairway Walk. Alas, Burien's stairway walk, Eagle Landing, is closed due to erosion. (See the B-Town Blog for more...
Cheer Local: Super Bowl Sunday Walk-n-Talk
Last year, twenty-two "12th Man" Walk-n-Talkers had a brisk walk before the Super Bowl… and look what happened. The Seahawks won! Let's do it again. Some may say, "Oh no… there's no time for a walk....
“Walk the Snake” on Jan. 21 with WABI Weekday Walkers
New Year's resolutions: --Get some cardiac exercise --Meet new people --Travel to exotic lands You'll get the opportunity to fulfill all these New Year's resolutions (well, some people think...
New Burien Recreation Guide
The new Winter 2015 Burien Recreation Guide is out and chuck-full of events and classes for all ages: music, dance and visual arts… after school programs and sports… yoga, pilates, martial arts…...
3rd Annual Walk-n-Talk-with-a-Doc on January 4
Number one prescription: "Walk!" After a season full of holiday celebrations and the start of a new year, you may have vowed to "get back on that exercise program!" Do your New Year’s resolutions...
Buy Local, Buy Global on Dec. 17 Weekday Walk
A colorful Samoan sundress? Special candles to help fight maldiciónes (curses)? Fresh Japanese yams? Fava beans, Saudi style? You never know what treasures you might find in your own...