Time to update our email service
Do you subscribe to the WABI email list? If you've wondered why sometimes you get emails and sometimes you don't… well, so have we. So we're replacing the old email service with a new one. What do...
WABI gives thanks on Nov. 16 Walk
What are you thankful for in downtown Burien? Join the WABI Weekday Walkers on Wednesday, November 16, 9 am, as we start from Grand Central Bakery and walk by the many things we're grateful for in...
Friendly Reminder: BE VISIBLE!
by Maureen Hoffmann, WABI President. As we all "fall back" and change our clocks this weekend, I think about it now getting dark earlier in the afternoon, and the dark season ahead of us. As a...
Lake Burien Walk-n-Talk
It's time for a walk! (Isn't it always time for a walk?) It's fun. It gets you out of the house. You get the chance to talk to people you normally wouldn't chat with. And it keeps you healthier....
Celebrate our Schools on Oct 19 Walk, 9 am
Join the WABI Weekday Walkers in celebrating our schools as vital community assets. On Wednesday, October 19 at 9 am, we'll walk by Cascade Middle School and Evergreen High School in the northern...
Walk-n-Talk to a Park Trio
Let's discover 3 of Burien's 25 City Parks on October's Walk-n-Talk! For a small city, we have many gems of green space tucked here and there in various neighborhoods. Date: Sunday, October 2,...
WABI walks the Miller Creek Trail, Sept. 21, 9 am
Come enjoy the City of Burien's most recent park, the new Miller Creek Trail. The trail follows along the wetlands of Miller Creek. Join the WABI Weekday Walkers on the third Wednesday of the...
Volunteer Opportunity – 2016 Washington State Bicycle & Pedestrian Count
The Annual Bicycle and Pedestrian Count will be taken at locations throughout Washington State in nearly 40 jurisdictions, including Burien. This annual event records bicycle and pedestrian volumes...
Hospitality House Annual Walk for the Women, September 17
Annual WALK FOR THE WOMEN, Saturday, September 17, 2016 This year organizers are promising “a gift for every walker!” Hospitality House Shelter for Homeless Women – located in Burien – has been...
Walk-n-Talk from Town Square to Seahurst and Back
September already?! How could that be? Let's launch into Autumn with a Walk-n-Talk on a holiday weekend. Sunday, September 4th, we'll meet up on the grassy knoll at Burien Town Square, walk to and...