February’s Walk-n-Talk
Feeling cooped up during winter's dark, gray days of rainfall? Get out for a walk! Have a nice chat with other local folks. Get some fresh air and chase the doldrums away. (And if you have your...
Neurosurgeon, Dr. Michael Schlitt, Urges Walking
Walkers poured in today to the first floor meeting room at the Burien Library/City Hall, for a brief talk followed by a 2.5 mile walk, January's special "Walk-n-Talk-with-a-Doc." In spite of an...
Start Walking for Health and Well-Being
by Maureen Hoffmann, WABI Burien President Small steps. That's all it takes to start a walking program toward greater health and a sense of well-being. For just the cost of comfortable walking shoes...
Happy New Year, WABI-ists!
Our new year is starting out with some beautiful days to get out on two feet and two wheels! Blue skies, sunshine and brisk, fresh air. Time for a nice walk or a ride. Happy New Year to all the...
Walk-n-Talk-with-a-Doc January Special
January Special: Walk-n-Talk-with-a-Doc Do your New Year’s resolutions include goals like “lose weight”, “get in shape”, “exercise more”? Do you wonder how to begin? On Sunday, January 6, 2013, WABI...
CycleTracks App: Improve Bicycling in the Puget Sound Region
Help Improve Bicycling in the Puget Sound Region! The Puget Sound Regional Council, together with researchers from the University of Washington’s Department of Urban Design and Planning, are working...
Downpour, Dresses and Drenched on Des Moines
We got drenched! Five of us rain-slicker-clad walkers headed out from Burien Town Square, hunkered in a doorway, into the downpour, undaunted by the deluge. We took advantage of the awnings and...
Upcoming Webinar Promotes Local Walking Programs
Our friends at America Walks are planning to kick off a new webinar series on Thursday, Nov. 29 studying ways people can support walking programs at the state, tribal and local levels. The first...
Join the Voice of Washington State Transportation Survey Program
Later this month, the Washington State Transportation Commission will conduct a new statewide survey on transportation taxation options, priorities and other topics utilizing over 17,000 Washington...
Walk-n-Talk and Chase the Rain Away
Will we be walkin' and talkin' and singin' in the rain? (Isn't that what galoshes and bumbershoots are for?) Incredibly, every Walk-n-Talk for the last 16 months, we've had dry weather. (Except that...