FREE Ribbon-Cutting Raffle!
Just by showing up you get one FREE raffle ticket. By showing up ON A BIKE, you get TWO. (Wear your helmet so we know you're on your bike… and so you're safer.) In a couple of days, on Saturday,...
Burien Bike Racks Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Build Bike Culture in Burien: BUY BURIEN BY BIKE. Now it's easier to hop on your bike, head into town and do your shopping at the local businesses. We've just installed a couple dozen, sparkling...
Bike Racks Installed in Burien’s Public Right-of-Way This Morning
Let the bikes roll in Burien. This morning, (June 12, 2013) starting at 6:30, the Burien Public Works crew installed 24 bike racks in the public right-of-way. The racks can now be found along SW...
Care to Walk-n-Talk Around the Lake?
It's time for a walk! (Isn't it always time for a walk?) It's fun. It gets you out of the house. You get the chance to talk to people you normally wouldn't chat with. And it keeps you healthier....
Burien Bike Day Commuter Support Station
Friday, May 17th is "National Bike to Work Day", but WABI has declared it "Burien Bike Day". We want to encourage local folks to choose pedal-power not just for their commuting when possible, but...
Got Bike? Got Questions? Free “Biking for Work and Play” Class on May 14
Each year, more and more people choose bicycling for transportation. While you may know how to ride a bike, you may wonder how to share the road with traffic, plan the best route to work, and arrive...
Sunny May Walking-Talking Bliss
Today was the month of May's first Sunday and, therefore, a Walk-n-Talk day. And, oh, what a walking day it was! Sunny. Blue sky. Warm temp. Dry paths. And a group of faces that are more familiar...
Special Nature Walk-n-Talk Down to Seahurst Beach
Care to walk through a wooded ravine, bright green with spring? This Sunday, May 5, our Walk-n-Talk will start at the top of the hill and walk down the service road to the Marine Science Center at...
Student Art Walk on May 9
All are invited to the 2nd annual Highline School District Student Art Walk Thursday, May 9th, 5:00-8:00 p.m. • A Free Event Celebrate Art Education Month and wander Downtown Burien from 4th to...
Bike Rack Sponsorships Flying Out the Door!
WABI Burien's Bike Rack Sponsorship Sprint was launched at 9:00 a.m. this morning. By 2 seconds after 9:00, the first sponsor had e-mailed a pledge to sponsor two racks. By 9 seconds after 9:00, the...