3rd Annual Walk-n-Talk-with-a-Doc on January 4
Number one prescription: "Walk!" After a season full of holiday celebrations and the start of a new year, you may have vowed to "get back on that exercise program!" Do your New Year’s resolutions...
Buy Local, Buy Global on Dec. 17 Weekday Walk
A colorful Samoan sundress? Special candles to help fight maldiciónes (curses)? Fresh Japanese yams? Fava beans, Saudi style? You never know what treasures you might find in your own...
Mathison Park Walk-n-Talk 2014
Have you toured Burien's Mathison Park yet? This Sunday, December 7, the monthly Walk-n-Talk will begin at Burien Town Square and walk over to Mathison Park. WHEN: Sunday December 7; meet at 2:00...
A Colorful Walk in Tukwila, Weds., Nov. 19 at 9am
The WABI Weekday Walkers will enjoy three colorful Tukwila parks on Wednesday, November 19, the third Wednesday of the month. Note new earlier start time of 9 am. Tukwila has a special park,...
Artful Garden Discovery on a Rainy Walk-n-Talk
A rainy day still brought out 9 intrepid souls for November's Post Halloween Candy Walk-n-Talk today. And what a discovery we made about halfway into our 2-and-a-quarter mile walk: we found a secret...
Post Halloween Candy Walk-n-Talk
Enjoyed the Halloween candy a little too much? Feeling cooped up with all the recent rainfall? Get out for a walk! Have a nice chat with other local folks. Get some fresh air and chase the doldrums...
School Days with WABI Weekday Walkers on Oct. 15
School's in session, so October's WABI Weekday Walk will have a school theme. Come join us on the third Wednesday of the month, October 15 at 9:15 am, starting at Grand Central Bakery in downtown...
Photo Contest: How do you get In Motion?
What moves you? How about a $75 Amazon gift card! King County In Motion is hosting the How I Get In Motion Photo Contest! Upload your photo by October 15 HERE to show how you get around by bike,...
Walk-n-Talk: People who live in stone houses shouldn’t throw glass.
Long ago, at the north edge of Burien, there were people building some very distinctive homes with stones and pebbles. Come with us on the October Walk-n-Talk to marvel at these stone wonders. In...
Burien In Motion helps you find new ways of getting around
We’re just over halfway through King County Metro’s Burien In Motion program—sign up before October 10 for information on different transportation options, including an ORCA card good for two...