Fall colors along Des Moines Creek – Oct. 21
Come join the WABI Weekday Walkers on the Des Moines Creek Trail, on the third Wednesday of the month, October 21, at 9 am. This is a beautiful walk through the woods from Des Moines Beach Park by...
A beautiful day for October’s Sunday walk
Over 15 folks enjoyed the beautiful fall sunshine on WABI's Sunday walk on October 4. You never know what you'll discover about your neighborhood on a WABI walk. Here, the group poses by a tree...
Early Fall Walk-n-Talk Around the Lake
It's time for a walk! (Isn't it always time for a walk?) It's fun. It gets you out of the house. You get the chance to talk to people you wouldn't otherwise chat with. And it keeps you healthier....
It’s Time to Count Walkers and Bikers Again
2015 Call for Volunteers It's time again for the Annual Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project. WSDOT and Cascade Bicycle Club are partnering to collect information about bicycle and...
Des Moines Walking Fun Starts September 20
WABI Burien's neighbors to the south, in Des Moines, are starting a walking group! Join them on the 3rd Sunday of each month starting in September for a leisurely walk around Des Moines. Dates are...
Back to School for WABI Weekday Walk on Sept. 16
It's back to school for September's WABI Weekday Walk. Come join us on the third Wednesday of the month, September 16 at 9 am, starting at Grand Central Bakery in downtown Burien. We’ll walk by a...
2015 Walk for the Women on September 19
SAVE THE DATE: The 14th annual ‘Walk for the Women’ – a fundraiser for Burien’s Hospitality House – will be Saturday, Sept. 19, in conjunction with the Burien Wellness Fair. Have fun, win prizes and...
Ride Around the Sound Coming through Burien on September 19
The American Lung Association’s charity bicycle tour will be coming through the area on Saturday, Sept. 19 with 400-500 riders. Advanced Registration Rate of $40 is open until Aug. 31 (it then goes...
Labor Day Weekend Walk-n-Talk to Mathison Park
It's a holiday weekend, a great time to go for a nice Walk-n-Talk with nice neighbors. This Sunday, September 6, we'll meet at Burien Town Square to stroll up and over to Mathison Park, Burien's...
WABI on the beach, Weds., August 19
Come join WABI Weekday Walkers on the third Wednesday of August (August 19) for a classic summer walk through cool forest, ending on the beach. We will return to Normandy Park's southernmost park,...