Walk-n-Talk in South Gregory Heights
The weatherman has promised us a sunny weekend, so let's get out together for the May Walk-n-Talk! This month we'll walk around the southern hilltop area of Gregory Heights, to the point where we...
Urban Cycling at the Burien Library April 30
The Burien Library will be hosting Madi Carlson, author of Urban Cycling, advocate, and urban-cycler extraordinaire, on Saturday, April 30 at 2:00 pm. This event is part of this year’s Everyone Is...
WABI Weekday Walk, Nature Trails Park, April 20, 9 am
WABI Weekday Walkers return to Normandy Park for our monthly walk on the third Wednesday, April 20, 9 am. We will start from Nature Trails Park and explore from there, depending on the group's...
Horses, Donkeys, Dobermans and Danes
What a BEAUTIFUL day for a Walk-n-Talk here in Burien today! There were 22 of us (one was four-legged) that met at the Boulevard Park Library for the Stone House Walk. Along the way we were amused...
Stone House Walk-n-Talk Revisited
Long ago, at the north edge of Burien, there were people building some very distinctive homes with stones and pebbles. Come with us on the April Walk-n-Talk to marvel at these stone wonders. In...
Spring Jewels on WABI Walk in Miller Preserve
Elston Hill, a Burien resident whose photography talent is frequently seen in the B-Town Blog, found some spring jewels on WABI's Miller Preserve walk March 16. He shared them with us and noted,...
WABI’s Miller Preserve Walk, Weds, March 16, 9 am
'Tis Spring and time to hunt for the elusive Trillium Ovatum. One of the best places locally to find this elusive wildflower is the Walker Preserve, a little known park in Normandy Park. Join the...
Grab Your Galoshes and Walk-n-Talk
They say we're setting records for rain… and it looks like we'll have liquid sunshine for the next 10 days. Hmm. That means it's time to get out our galoshes and colorful umbrellas as we go for our...
Washington Bike Summit
Are you a small business owner interested in learning about how bikes mean better business? A planner or engineer working within your local jurisdiction to design safer streets? A trail supporter...
Treasure Hunt! WABI Weekday Walk on 2/17
Aye matey! Come join the WABI Weekday Walkers on Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 9 am for a treasure hunt through downtown Burien. Find the answers to questions like: --Where are three places downtown I can...