WABI Weekday Walk Explores 3Peak Walk, Aug. 17
Did you know there is a magical place nearby where you can see all three peaks - Rainier, Olympics, Cascades? On the map, it's the North Hill neighborhood in Des Moines, but we prefer the more...
Three Tree Point Obliteride Orange Tunnel August 14
On Sunday morning, August 14, about 150 Obliteride cyclists will ride through Normandy Park and Burien on Day 2 of their 150-mile bike ride to raise money for cancer research at Fred Hutch. Last...
4th Annual Public Art Walk-n-Talk, with Oil and Tea
“Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.” - Marcel Proust In keeping with our summertime tradition, come join the 4th Annual Burien Public Art...
Surprise in today’s WABI Walk
You never know what surprises you'll find at a WABI walk. Today's walk up to the Hurstwood neighborhood ended up down at Seahurst Park. WABI Walkers were just in time to see the tide going out,...
WABI Weekday Walk at Hurstwood, July 20
WABI Weekday Walkers are going topsy-turvy on Wednesday, July 20, 9 am. We'll meet at the Seahurst upper parking lot but instead of going down the hill to the park, we'll go up the hill to the...
Walk-n-Talk on the Indian Trail
It's time for another Indian Trail Walk-n-Talk, this Sunday, July 3rd. Historic Trail a Burien Gem One of Burien's gems is the "Indian Trail". This wandering, varied trail winds high above the...
THEN & NOW: the True Story of Sidewalks in Burien
"We want more sidewalks!" I hear that all the time when out on the street talking to folks. Understandably! I, too, walk a lot, often in areas where there are blind curves, no shoulders on the road...
WABI hits the beach! Weds., June 15
Come join WABI Weekday Walkers on the third Wednesday of June (June 15) for a classic summer walk through cool forest, ending on the beach. We will return to Normandy Park's southernmost park, on...
Discover the “Secret Stroll” on a Walk-n-Talk Down to Seahurst Beach
Care to walk through a wooded ravine, bright with late "spring green"? This Sunday, June 5, our Walk-n-Talk will start at the top of the hill and walk down the service road to the Marine Science...
WABI Walks at SeaTac Botanical Gardens, May 18
Come visit the lovely Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden at North SeaTac Park on Wednesday, May 18 with the WABI Weekday Walkers. We’ll start at the garden and walk for about an hour through the...