Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy. We sure could use a group walk right now to get some exercise and socialize with people in person, but unfortunately, because of the stay-at-home orders due to the coronavirus, we have to cancel our walk for April 19. We had planned on walking around the Highline College campus, but that will have to wait for another time.

That doesn’t mean you have to stay inside all the time though. It is important for both your physical and mental health to get some exercise and do something positive. Go for walks in your neighborhood, work in your yard, call your family & friends, make masks for those who need them, make sure those that are unable or unwilling to shop for food and supplies have what they need, and most important follow the health guidelines to keep yourself and others healthy.

Our walks are sponsored by the Des Moines Legacy Foundation, We are doing what we can to provide volunteer help and funding for the Des Moines Food Bank and others who are in need right now. Thank you to all of you who are also providing much needed help to the many people who are suffering both physical and financial hardships.

You can also find the Des Moines Legacy Foundation on Facebook HERE.

Gary McNeil
Des Moines Waterland Walk Leader