Burien is actually quite a hilly place, and e-bikes sure “flatten out” our hills! In the last 3 or 4 years (especially during the pandemic) the number of e-bikes around town have dramatically increased. And for good reason.

On an E-Bike

  • Tackle the hills more easily
  • More readily hop on the e-bike for grocery shopping, commuting and exercising
  • Cycle more comfortably if you have joint issues
  • Ride greater distances
  • Bike with a partner that’s at a different skill level

But a good, old-fashioned, non-electric bike and an e-bike ARE different in their handling, maneuverability, responsiveness and care. And different jurisdictions sometimes have different laws regarding the use of e-bikes.

Check out this overview article from 2018 regarding e-Biking in Burien, which also includes some statewide information.

E-Bike Smart

Our cycling friends at People for Bikes and League of American Bicyclists have created a very handy, online Guide to Safe Riding, which you’ll find HERE.



Electric bicycles (e-bikes) are a fun, healthy, and safe way to explore the great outdoors and make short trips more enjoyable. With more people discovering the many joys and benefits of riding an e-bike, we created E-Bike Smart to share the basics of maintaining your e-bike, handling and charging your e-bike battery, and riding safely while out on the road or trail. Whether you’re new to riding or just need a refresher, everyone can learn and benefit from this course.

Safe Riding is Fun Riding

This safety guidance will take you through a series of short videos that explain what an electric bicycle is, how to handle your e-bike battery, where you can ride e-bikes, and best practices for rider safety and etiquette when on your e-bike. After each video, you can take a brief quiz to test your knowledge. Click below to get started.