CROP Hunger Walks help children and families worldwide – and right here in the U.S. – to have food for today, while building for a better tomorrow.  Our local efforts are making a huge difference… and you are part of it!

Date: May 6, 2012
Location: Des Moines United Methodist Church, 22225  9th AVE S in Des Moines, WA
Registration: 1:15 p.m.
Distance: 2 to 4 miles. We will walk along the Des Moines water front at the marina.

75% of funds raised goes to the world-wide hunger relief organization, Church World Service.
25% of the funds go to the Des Moines Area Food Bank.

(NOTE: The CROP Hunger Walk is not a WABI-sponsored event.
Since this is a community walking event, WABI is posting this notice as a courtesy to the organizers.)