One of the great joys of the monthly Walk-n-Talks that we’ve hosted for almost 9 years has been the camaraderie between the always-changing 15-20 people that have participated each time. Sometimes there’ve been 35 walkers! Many people have become “regulars” and look forward to seeing each other every month.

One of the stated purposes has been for people to walk along in conversation with someone they didn’t know before… chat with someone they might not otherwise meet.

Because of the coronavirus, however, we had to cancel the Walk-n-Talk in both April and May, missing the monthly walks for the first time since they started.

Unfortunately, we must cancel another walk, Sunday, June 7.

As each walk day approaches, I review the latest State and local guidelines and restrictions to gauge whether we are allowed to have our walk, and if so, how we can do so safely. Here are quotes from several current public health documents:

Outdoor recreation

“All activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance, part 1, 2 and 3.”


“All outdoor activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance, which limits the occupants to no more than five people outside of a household (excluding the instructor).” (Link above.)

Social Gatherings

“Only allowed outdoors with five or fewer people outside the household.” (Link above.)

Outdoor Recreation Phase 1 Clarifications and Phase 2
Update No. 2 COVID-19 Requirements, Under “Guided Outdoor Activities”

“3. During Phase 1 of Safe Start Washington clients for guided tour trips must be all be from the same household with maximum of 8 participants. In Phase 2, groups of mixed households allowed, with a maximum of 8 households and a maximum of 12 individuals in a group… Socially distancing still required between participants of different households.” Page 4.

To walk along and chat with someone not from your own household, while maintaining 6 feet of social distance, would require one person to walk on the shoulder of the road, while the other person is out IN the road.

This safety concern alone is enough to cause cancellation. Add to that the Governor’s restrictions on number of participants and number of households represented, and I just don’t see how we can proceed with our walk on Sunday.

But DO get out there and WALK! …Or ride your bike!

Get someone from your household to go stroll with you. Have your own personal Walk-n-Talk.

I so look forward to seeing you all again when we can gather without concern! I miss you all! Be safe and be healthy. I hope to see you all very SOON.

Maureen Hoffmann
President, Walk/Bike Burien (WABI)
Walk-n-Talk Leader