This afternoon, May 1, 2020, Governor Inslee extended the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order through May 31. So that means we cannot gather as a group to enjoy the spring weather, strolling one of our neighborhoods. Darn. Another month without our Walk-n-Talk…the second time since we started the monthly walks eight-and-a-half years ago.

But! Walking and cycling are still great exercises that can be enjoyed singly, with others from your home, or with a friend while maintaining “social distance”.

It’s been satisfying to see SO MANY people out walking and riding their bikes in this last month or so. Perhaps as this time goes by, that habit will become such a part of life that people will continue it long after “stay home” orders have been lifted. “Gee, I enjoyed that so much, let’s keep up our daily walks!”

If you’re looking for some walking routes, check out the many maps here:

WABI will gladly start up the Walk-n-Talks as soon as orders are lifted. Can’t wait. See you then!